Merry Christmas

Lazada Philippines

Friday, October 31, 2014


Tsū’s algorithm automatically tracks, measures, and distributes revenue to the appropriate user and their Family Tree. At a high level, 90% of revenues are distributed to users. To maintain the platform, tsū receives 10%. To see how this breaks down, let’s take a look at 4 users, all with varying start dates on tsū:
User A invites user B, who invites user C, who invites user D
Part 1
- $100 of earned revenue is generated based on the content user D shared (photos, videos, status updates, etc.)
Part 2
- 90% of earned revenue go to the users. In this case, $90 of the $100 is shared with all the users.
- tsū takes 10% of the $100 for platform fees. In this case $10.
Part 3
- User D, the original content creator takes 50% of the $90. In this case, $45.
- User C gets 33.3% (1/3) of the original $90 generated. In this case, $29.70
- User B gets 11.1% (1/3 of 1/3 = 1/9) of the original $90 generated. In this case $9.99
- User A gets 3.70% (1/3 of 1/3 of 1/3 = 1/27) of the original $90 generated. In this case $3.33
- This is what we call the rule of infinite thirds
Shared economics ad revenue

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Juan is a jeepney driver at age 30. His average fuel consumption is P12,000.00 per month. His Family spends P500.00 on cellphone load every month and he treats his family to Jollibee monthly for P400.00.

Someone told Juan about paybux that he can save on his usual expenses. He joined paybux and signed up at PAYBUX and became an Icon. He now uses paybux to load his petron card, happyplus card and the  cellphones of his family.

Because he has no downlinks his rebates returns to him over a span of two years, thus, every year a rebate of P19,440.00. He does not mind if it takes that long because, unlike before, a huge portion of his expense now returns to him gradually.

A friend told him to invest his rewards from paybux at the Stock Market. He invested all rebates he got every year which gave him a return of 12% each year. 

At age 60 Juan decided to retire. He has already 5.2 Million worth of Stock Investment he can use to a comfortable retirement. And all that from his usual fuel, load and Jollibee expenses since he is 30 years old, leveraging on the power of paybux and investing in the stock market. What if he has downlinks? What if he were able to use all the other ways an Icon earns? It would have been awesome! 

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Good news!

It is now very much achievable to earn MILLIONS in passive income. No selling. No nonsense.

How do you get the earnings without selling? The answer is quite simple. As others spend you earn. They spend not on the items you sell to them but on products they are already using and consuming. With or without you they consume these products. What you have to do is link them to you so that every time they spend you earn.

What do they spend on for you to earn? Well practically on everything such as when they gas up, buy medicines, groceries, eat at quick serve restaurants and from their other spending.

To build the system that will work for you in the long term and bring you MILLIONS in earnings, you have to work to establish your network for at least 3 to 5 years. The best part is that after 5 years the system will continue to run and bring you money even if you stop working. The people linked to you will continue to spend, even if you are not around, and so you will continue to receive income from their spending.

How many 5 years of your life have been productive on helping you build passive income stream? Don't waste time anymore. Join Now.


Friday, October 24, 2014


Many are interested in investing money at stock market but do not have the knowledge or skill to make it profitable.

A lot of money are made at the trading floor of the Stocks Exchange. A lot more are losing money in it too. This is the reason why many viewed that investing in stocks are scary and dangerous. However, the danger or risk is not really on the investment but on the investor that does not know what he is doing.

The problem is now solved! Invest in stock market in no time and EARN YOUR FIRST MILLION. Be guided by the country's Topnotch Financial Expert, Bro. Bo Sanchez. Get the guidance you need to start your way to financial freedom by joining his group of successful investors.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Great news! Now PAYBUX added a 5th way of earning to its BUILDER ACCOUNT (Free Subscription).

Leveraged Income is revenue you get out of Other Peoples Money (OPM), Other Peoples Time (OPT) or Other Peoples Asset (OPA). This is the best income there is. A passive source of cash stream that once built will give you a lifetime earnings even if you don't work anymore.

Every time anyone linked to you gets reward from partner merchant you get a percentage of their earnings. Supposing your friend earned P100 on his purchases at Jollibee, Greenwich, Red Ribbon, Chowking or Mang Inasal, you also earn P5.3. And if you have many friends who has friends who has friends, well you got the drift, you could get thousands of income without doing anything (Income from indirect links applies to Mentor and Icons only).

So what are you waiting for? Join now and click the link below:



When someone tell us to start increasing our cash flow we, more often than not, respond that we don't have money to do that. Well we always find an excuse. I've attended some time ago a financial empowerment seminar that says you don't need to have money to get rich. WHAT? For me it was a statement so hard to believe. Nonsense. Rubbish. 

As time goes by it dawn to realization that there are two things you can invest, money and/or time. If  you can invest money then it's good so that you can make your money make more money for you. But if you do not have money then invest time. Another one way to invest even if you don't have money is leveraging but we will talk about this separately. 

Let's focus on investing your time. Do you know that you can earn when others gas up, eat their fastfood, buy medicines or groceries? Yes you can earn from their expenses without you selling them anything.

This is the power of PAYBUX.

BUILDER ACCOUNT is free. Yet this power account gives you 4 ways to earn without spending a dime.


1, Get P90.00 rebate from every qualifying purchase. If you spend P400 at Jollibee, Greenwich, Chowking, Red Ribbon or Mang Inasal you will get a rebate of P90.00. How cool is that?

2, The second hexcell generated by your downlink goes to you. That could hasten your ability to earn or add more earnings to you. 

3. Get instant reward (No waiting time) that is higher than the usual rewards given to you by your favorite merchant.

4. Get reward of as much P1,000 if your downlink makes and upgrade to premium account. 

And you get all that opportunities to increase your cash flow without you investing any money at all. What you invest here is your time. What you need to do is tell your friends to use PAYBUX in purchasing their meal, gas, medicine and food items. And it won't be hard to convince them because their is no added cost for them yet they will get the same rewards that you are getting. By joining they lose not a single cent but have the potential to earn from their own purchase and from the purchase of others who will be linked to them. This is a very HEXCITING opportunity for us Filipinos. 

Register now for FREE and start you way to a WEALTHY LIFE.